How to get setup on Zoom
Apr 17, 2020This video tutorial is for people who have never used Zoom before and will need to be able to attend meetings or webinars that are being hosted on the Zoom platform.
Note that it is NOT necessary to have a Zoom account in order to attend a Zoom meeting hosted by someone else, but it is absolutely necessary to have a piece of software called the Zoom Client for Meetings installed on your computer before being able to attend a Zoom meeting.
This tutorial demonstrates how to install that software (app). Other tutorials are available to show you how to set up an account if that is what you require. You need a Zoom account if and only if you plan on scheduling and hosting your own meetings. For now, the location for where to get the Zoom app is at:
Watch the video first and then go to that link.
After installing the app, you can test to make sure it is installed and working on your computer by going to this link: When you click on that link, at the first screen click on the Join button to be connected into a 'test' meeting room. You will then be connected to an actual Zoom meeting in which you are the only participant (you will see only your name on the Zoom screen). If that works, then you know your app is installed and you are ready to go.
Using this 'test' meeting room, you can also test your microphone and speakers in advance of going into your first live meeting so that you know all of your devices on your computer are working properly. Please look for the tutorial on this website called How to Test Your Microphone and Speakers in Zoom.
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